From the first ascent, you’ll be rewarded with a stunning view of the Gusarchay valley framed by the snowy peaks of Mounts Gizilgaya and Shahdag. The trail mostly involves descending paths, which are clearly visible and fully marked. Follow the signs to exit the village after 400 meters, then proceed to a mountain pass slightly to the right. From here, the descent begins and stretches for 1 kilometer through the valley, leading to another ascent to a mountain pass. After a short descent through a forest, Kuzun village will come into view. A 2-kilometer downhill path along the Gusarchay riverbank will take you to a bridge. Crossing the bridge, turn right and follow the main road to Kuzun.
This moderately challenging hike requires appropriate outdoor gear, particularly during winter. Without proper winter clothing, hiking in cold weather is not advisable. For lush green landscapes, the best time to hike is between May and July, while December to February offers beautiful views of snowy peaks. Always check the weather forecast beforehand, as fog, rain, or snow can significantly increase the difficulty of the trail.
Laza village is a popular tourist destination offering guest houses, hostels, cafes, and restaurants. Guest houses are situated within the village, while restaurants are located on the upper road leading to the twin waterfalls. Additionally, the village features a store named “Laza Market.” Maps provide detailed locations for accommodations and dining options.
Water bottles can be refilled from springs located in villagers’ yards. An easily accessible spring is found below Laza Market. On the trail, there’s only one spring about 2 kilometers from Laza in the Gusarchay valley. It’s recommended to carry 1.5-2 liters of water depending on the weather.
No special permits are needed for this hike. The trail does not pass through any protected natural areas or border zones.
This hike through the Gusarchay valley was simply amazing! The landscape was so diverse, and the village of Kuzun is so charming. The path was manageable, though it requires some level of fitness. alia 18.06.2024
The Kuzun Village hike was an unforgettable experience. From the very first descent, we were treated to breathtaking views of the Gusarchay valley. The trails were clearly marked, making it easy to follow, even for someone like me who isn’t an expert hiker. The guides were helpful, especially during the colder parts of the hike. Highly recommend this for anyone who loves a bit of adventure. Jelia 13.09.2024
If you're looking for a challenge, this hike to Kuzun is perfect. The views of the Gusarchay valley are mesmerizing, and the descent through the forest and riverbank is incredibly peaceful. Our guide, Lamia, was very helpful, ensuring we kept pace and explaining the history of the area. Be sure to bring warm clothing if you're hiking in the colder months, as it can get pretty chilly! Emma Clark 02.11.2024
The trail was well-marked and easy to navigate, even though the terrain was challenging in parts. I was especially impressed by the stunning views from the first ascent and the riverbank path to Kuzun. Our guide, Lamia, made sure we were comfortable throughout the hike. Bring enough water as the trail doesn't have many refills, but the surroundings are worth every step! David Lee 30.07.2023
This hike to Kuzun Village is one of Azerbaijan’s hidden gems. The descent through the valley was scenic, with panoramic views of the snowy peaks. We had Ali as our guide, and he was fantastic—very professional and friendly. I would recommend doing this hike during the spring or summer when the landscape is lush and green. Nina 25.10.2024